Welcome to the World Tommy Ryan Darbourne - born 07:36pm at Penrice Birth Centre, weighing 8lbs 7oz.
Beth and Dean outline for us the birth of Tommy; how they worked together as a team, made decisions that were right for them, how hypnobirthing supported them through their journey and how the amazing midwifes at Penrice provided them with wonderful, person centred care.
"Details of labour
- It all started at 5pm with my Uterine seal (Mucus plug) came away.
- Membranes released (Waters) at 2.30am, and irregular surges started immediately. I used the Calm breathing technique at home whilst using a birthing ball to get comfortable whilst watching trash tv!
-6am we started timing surges and they were lasting up to 40 seconds and coming at least every 5 minutes. I started running a bath and played my hypnobirthing affirmations..
8am - we made a call to the triage line, as surges were now lasting 60 seconds. As I was feeling calm and well, we requested a transfer to Penrice Birth Centre (this was a spontaneous decision as our mind had not been made up between there and Truro Birth Centre - Terri had told us how wonderful Penrice was)
9.00am - greeted at Penrice Birth Centre by the loveliest midwife Lizzie. I was happy to accept a vaginal examination to determine active labour. I was 4cm open and Dean was able to then join me in the “snug”. We were offered food and beverages, and offered the use of the units Tens Machine - midwife Lizzie guided Dean how to use for effective pain relief and also suggested various comfortable positions to try. Blends of essential oils recommended by Lizzie, prepared and provided by the unit for Dean to perform massage techniques learnt on the course.
12pm - we decided to move into birthing suite, and the midwives had the pool prepared, dimmed lighting, fairy lights providing a very calm atmosphere. Dean began playing our “Feel good” playlist and we both felt so excited under the realisation we would be welcoming our baby boy in the most calming environment with assistance from outstanding midwifes (community midwife Tamara joined to look after us, I was familiar with her as had met her at maternity appointments in the Bodmin clinic).
2pm - I consented to another routine examination which confirmed I was 8cm open. I was full with overwhelming emotions that I had got to this stage with only the use of hypnobirthing breathing techniques, tens machine, essential oils and the pool. I felt SO in control.
4pm - at this point my Surges changed and they were feeling more and more intense, so I requested gas and air at this point to take the edge off.
6pm ish - this was when my transitioning phase started. I began to feel very tired and doubted myself. I had constant reassurance from Dean and the midwifes. Routine monitoring of baby’s heartbeat accepted, baby remained calm and well all throughout. I decided to get out of pool and asked the midwifes to recommend different positions. I must admit panic mode started to set in as things seemed to slow down and I wanted the help of the midwifes at this point to guide me on how to birth him safe and well, however, both Dean and I stayed very calm as we were fully aware of what my body was going through to birth our baby.
07:36pm our precious baby was born and passed straight to me for immediate skin to skin. We had the delayed cord clamping that we had requested and Dad (Dean) cut his cord. Active management of the placenta was recommend afterwards, this was clearly explained and accepted. Dean remained with our baby and had his precious skin to skin time.
We then all left for an hour of bonding and family time which was so precious - Tommy latched for his first colostrum feed, and we were on our way home as a family of three around 10.30pm.

We will never be able to thank Terri enough for her support, guidance and generosity provided throughout our pregnancy preparing for the birth of our baby. Hypnobirthing completely changed our view on birth, and empowered us to make decisions that were best for us and not based on fear. You cannot put a price on delivering your baby feeling so in control and aware of the physiological process of birth. Every time I think back to our experience I feel so emotional to have been blessed with a tranquil environment at Penrice Birth Centre, a team of amazing compassionate midwifes, the support of my Husband who was able to remain calm throughout and this is all thanks to the decision we made to sign up for Terri’s informative Hypnobirthing course which we will forever recommend."

Huge congratulations and a massive THANK YOU to Dean and Beth for allowing me to share their experience with you.
Beth - you are a true birthing goddess and I'm so pleased that you had such a wonderful birth experience at Penrice. Dean - I always knew you would be the most amazing birth partner (Dean and I have been friends for many years!). Tommy - you are a very lucky boy to have such wonderful parents.
If you are working towards a birth experience like Beth's then you can start your journey by investing in one of my courses. I promise you it will be the perfect investment! My January group Hypnobirthing course has some spaces available, and I'm taking bookings for February onwards for private courses. As I type this I have ONE late minute availability for December for a private course due to a cancellation. Don't delay with making contact if you want to grab it!