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  • Writer's pictureTerri B-R

"3cm dilated to 90 minutes later my baby in my arms!"

If you've been following me for a while then you will recognise the names in this blog, as I worked with Hannah and Paddy to prepare for the birth of their first baby in 2019 and their birth story of Malani is on my website. Hannah's first labour was a particularly long one, but she writes here about how she got through it with the support of her partner Paddy, her Hypnobirthing techniques and a true trust and faith in her body. I was lucky enough to work with them again in the build up to the birth of their second baby and Hannah has been kind enough to share her second birth experience with us too. This is another perfect example of VE's being pretty pointless, the importance of trusting the labouring mother and how being proactive with working through your fears can have a massive impact on your labour and birth. Enjoy the read!

"My 2nd pregnancy- my first pregnancy my partner and I did the full 1:1 hypnobirthing course with Terri and it was so valuable to us it completely changed the outcome of how my birth could of gone after a long 40 hour labour! I had a great birth, unassisted and in the birth pool with just gas and air.

Coming through this pregnancy with a 1 year old I had little time to think and take time out to plan for the birth. I started to re read my hypnobirthing books and tools we got from the course a few weeks before I was due but all of a sudden I had a looming fear that I would not be able to cope with labour. I am not sure really why as I had a great previous birth, however the fear was getting worse so I contacted Terri and we did a Hypnobirthing refresher course in preparation for my birth and it made a huge difference. I began to feel in control and knew exactly how I wanted it to be thanks to Terri's guidance and tools.

Saturday 23rd October I began to feel like my body was starting to get ready and had a feeling labour would be soon. Early hours of Monday morning 25th October (Kaiah's due date) I started with mild contractions that I was able to sleep through. Around 8am my surges were coming every 5 mins and lasting around a minute, I waited at home and prepared for my daughter to be looked after by her Grandparents while sitting on a yoga ball and bouncing in between contractions, having contractions and entertaining a 2 year old is a challenge. It got to around 9:30am and I called my midwife as I was due to see her at 10am for a previous scheduled appointment- she advised to go over to the birth unit as it seemed like my labour was progressing.

We got to Truro birth centre around 10:15am I was seen and waited in the triage room for around an hour where the midwife didn’t think I was in labour because I was so calm. We got moved to a suite around 12pm as I started to feel uncomfortable and needed to get comfy. There were an uncertainty if my waters had broken on Saturday evening obviously making me over the recommendation of 24 hours - however the midwife was great and supported us though this and made sure we wouldn’t have any interventions. Around 2:30pm my labour changed dramatically and I knew she was coming, I asked to see how much I was dilated and was told I was only 3cm. I thought that this can’t be right, I knew she was coming my surges completely changed and I needed to bear down. I asked if I could get in the pool and usually they wouldn’t allow it as I wasn’t classed by dilation in active labour but our midwife could see the changes and said yes to get in. I also asked for gas and air at this point too - but once I was in the pool I couldn’t really use it as I was focusing on what was going on with my body so completely no pain relief. About 30 mins of being in the pool my waters broke (so they didn’t break previously) 55 minutes after Kaiah, our beautiful little girl, was born in the water happy and healthy at 15:56pm.

My birth was relatively fast and my labour wasn’t long either - it really goes to show about trusting your body as it knows what to do from being 3cm dilated to 90 minutes later my baby in my arms. We were home by 8pm and all tucked up with our new addition. Again my partner Patrick was amazing guiding me through each step and I really couldn’t of done it without him he really had faith in me at every step of the way and I can’t thank him enough. Thanks to Terri for reassuring me and giving me the tools to help me get through it as I did. Also thanks to our midwife at Truro birth unit Claire who was incredible and allowed me to do what I needed to do without any issues the whole team who supported us were fab!"

If you have done Hypnobirthing before and would like a refresher course with your current/next pregnancy then this is something that I can support you with. I can help to get your back in the Hypnobirthing zone, refresh knowledge, build confidence and remind you what a total badass you are!!

Email me on to find out more or book your refresher course.

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